Things got a little prettier around here this week. My new frames arrived, and I fell in love all over again.
Each an art piece in their own right, these frames are overwhelmingly beautiful. Hand crafted entirely from reclaimed barn wood, their perfectly weathered story is written all over them. Entrenched with intrigue and scared with the tooling marks of their previous incarnation they are rich with history, and yet the hands of time and nature have softened them perfectly around the edges.
Earthy and deep their subtle complexities finish the prints off just as I had envisioned.
I am very excited to announce that they are now available in my etsy shop! Or if you are in the Vancouver area, you can come and see them in person at the Portobello West Market this sunday (April 26th) at the rocky mountaineer station.
Mothers Day is coming, and what a great place to spend the afternoon with her, or pick her up a little something to remind her just how treasured she is.
This market is vancouver's best market for fashion, jewelry, and art, so come and see what all the local designers have been up to!