Friday, April 10, 2009

A gift for your input

All this light and warm weather is inspiring me... this morning I did two loads of laundry (and put it a way- a victory in it's self), vacuumed the entire house (and the couch), and was showered and dressed before 8:00.

Considering my body prefers 7:30-8 am wake-up, this is most note worthy.

I am feeling motivated and inspired, and credit spring almost entirely. I have about 3 projects on the go in addition to the custom jobs I am working on, BUT, I still feel like painting something for myself (and you). The trouble is, I don't know quite where to place my inspiration, and find myself waffling around a subject. I just can't quite figure out what I would like to paint....

I know all you readers are full of great ideas, and would like to invite your suggestions here.

The person who's idea I choose will receive a gift... a little something new I've been working on and can't wait to release. I will post progress reports on the development of the piece too, so stay tuned...

I will choose a suggestion next sunday (the 19th of April)...

Just click on the blue "comments" below to share your idea!


  1. Something involving that bright fresh spring green that we have yet to start to see. And maybe something involving bumble bees.

  2. I see Yellow...all the new spring flowers i see are yellow and so what about a bunch of daffodils at various stages of growth?

  3. On my walk today at the beach I saw fresh green seaweed on sun-warmed stones.

  4. My vote is for some sort of shelf fungi. Or any fungi really, they have all sorts of cool structures.

  5. KITTENS! No - wait, thats not very original. How about Carpenter Ants? A whole nest of 'em. I hear they hatch and begin to colonize in the spring.

  6. I saw a hummingbird, this afternoon - looking (in vain) for blossoms. Nothing says "spring" on Van Isle like the return of the Roufus hummingbirds.

  7. rot amidst fecundity (or vice versa)... natural or not

  8. Maybe ferns with some nice sunlight coming through...the new growth on the ends of the ferns looks super neat when they curl around

  9. oh...or a close up of river rocks where you can see all of the beautiful details in the stones

  10. Big Waves... pounding on rocks under bright, blue, sunny skies... Fresh spring air...?

    New Cousin H

  11. A Moose. Yes a Moose, feeding on lily pads on the shore of a marshy lake. The sun is up but the mist hangs above the water. Perhaps a small boat in the middle with a fisherman casting out fresh line. Or mabey a fish breaching the glass like water.

  12. cherry blossoms on a tree on a city street...birth and renewal amidst the monotony...

  13. Ok so being a huge bird freak i have noticed the abundance of Great Blue Heron. Before this spring I had seen two in my lifetime, both here on the island, and they fascinated me. In the last few weeks I have seen 24...They are mating and these birds appear as though they shouldn't be able to fly but yet they do so with such grace. Magnificent creatures...So what about a great blue heron's nest with a daddy heron flying into it?

  14. Nothing says spring like a quilts and sheets hanging out to dry on a clothes line. Now this may sound boring to some, but what if the clothes line was in a beautiful forested property and the line was strung between two big old growth trees, and hanging on the line were a couple of gorgeous hand made quilts, or table clothes, and sitting on the line was a little hummingbird watching over his nearby feeder, and a little yellow finch was snacking at his feeder set amongst the garden of maidenhair ferns and bleedinghearts in full bloom, and hostas, yes there must be hostas, i think I'm getting carried away..its just a thought..have fun Missy, I'm sure you'll come up with something spectacular! Happy Spring everyone.
