Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cutthroat Trout

Cutthroat Trout. Beautiful. They are what I most often catch. I was surprised to find that they can look quite different from one another, depending on what river they live in, even if they are from the same strain.

Here is a collage of a custom piece, done from photos. The pictures were taken in a magical place, that will remain undisclosed...

Cutthroat Trout
Oil on Canvas by Melissa March

Cutthroat Trout

The coastal cutthroat is a blue-listed species, which means the species is considered vulnerable in British Columbia.
Several populations, particularly those on the East Coast of Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland, are in serious decline, and many runs are already extinct. Their dependence on small streams for
spawning and rearing makes them especially vulnerable, as small streams are easily altered or destroyed and their protection is often overlooked in planning residential, agricultural, and industrial developments or during forest harvesting


• Since cutthroat trout are very susceptible to over-fishing, using a barbless hook and practicing catch
and release are recommended.

• It is important to obey angling regulations and habitat protection bylaws, guidelines and regulations, since they were designed to protect the fish and their habitat. You should also Observe, Record and Report violations of the regulations by phoning 1-800-663-9453.

• Cutthroat trout are highly vulnerable to urban development and agricultural practices that remove the vegetation that creates streamside shade, captures excess nutrients from fertilizers and manure, and prevents erosion.

• Form a group of water stewards and volunteer to monitor local water quality and other habitat changes in lakes or streams.

• Be aware that what you dump into your septic tank or roadside storm drain may find its way into streams or lakes. Help keep water quality high by using detergents and soaps which are phosphate and chlorine free, and do not dump harsh chemicals, such as bleach, paint thinners or antifreeze, into drains.

For more info see:
Ministry of Fisheries


  1. Just found your blog...... Interesting.....I’ll be back to read more.

  2. Glad to have you! I hope you enjoy it!
